While double checking my list, I found that several of my laser disc links are not working properly. I will attempt to isolate the problem and remedy the situation. I am sorry for any inconvenience.
Find at Amazon | Title | Distributor | Rating |
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Absolute Power (DVD, LB, P&S) | Warner | R |
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The Accused | Paramount | R |
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Alive (LB) | Touchstone | R |
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Always (LB) | MCA | PG |
Amadeus: Pioneer Special Edition (LB) | Pioneer | NR |
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Amazing Grace and Chuck | HBO | PG |
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America's Dream | HBO | PG |
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American Me | MCA | R |
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Angels in the Outfield | MGM/UA | NR |
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Angie (LB) | Hollywood | R |
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Anne Frank Remembered (LB) | Columbia | PG |
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The Apostle (DVD, LB) | Universal | PG-13 |
Awakenings | Columbia | PG-13 |
Basic Instinct: Pioneer Special Edition (LB) | Pioneer | NR |
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The Bear (LB) | RCA | PG |
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Ben-Hur (LB) | MGM/UA | G |
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Ben-Hur: Commemorative 35th Anniversary (LB, CAV, boxed set) | MGM/UA | G |
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The Bible . . . in the beginning (LB) | CBS Fox | G |
Black Robe (DVD, LB, P&S) | Trimark | R |
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Blue Chips (LB) | Paramount | PG-13 |
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Bob Roberts: Pioneer Special Edition | Pioneer | R |
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Bopha! (LB) | Paramount | PG-13 |
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Born Free | Image | NR |
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Born on the Fourth of July (LB) | MCA | R |
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The Boys Next Door | Image | PG |
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Calm at Sunset | Image | PG |
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Captains Courageous | MGM/UA | G |
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Caroline? | Republic | PG |
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Chariots of Fire | Warner | PG |
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City of Angels (DVD, LB) | Warner | PG-13 |
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Class Action | CBS Fox | R |
The Color Purple (LB) | Warner | PG-13 |
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Come See The Paradise (LB) | CBS Fox | R |
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The Crucible (LB) | CBS Fox | PG-13 |
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Cry Freedom | MCA | PG |
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Cry From the Mountain | Live | NR |