This is an archive of a previous version of this site. To go to the current site, go to
Normally, this would be the place for our sponsors...
However, since we do not really have any supporting sponsors (not now nor in the future), we still thought it a good idea to be good net citizens. As such, we would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge others who have made some contribution to keeping the WMWEB web pages going.
We will do our very best to give credit to all those who provide contructive feedback and contributions. Start from the top level page, WMWEB Web Page, and navigate through each of the dozen or so pages (you've got to watch for those ever elusive hot links) and send your suggestions to: Jump start to most of these pages with the links at the bottom of this page.
Hall of Fame Acknowledgements !
None to date, but we will credit your contribution(s) when we get it !
Individuals - the heart and soul of the net:
- Laura Braz for her contribution of July's "Cute & Cuddly" photo of the month featuring Sundae and Wheeker's cyberbuddies, Penelope and Cyrano - certainly some of the cutest cavies on the web! Jul 96.
- Contributions to "Ask the Cavies" from: Violet, owner of Zelda (, owner of Piggle & Wiggle (, & Chris Moore (on CompuServe), owner of Toffee & Fudge. Jun 96.
- Alex Tamm for his submission "The Pig Prank" a story about Lump and Tricky in the "Cavy Chronicles". May 96.
- Eleanor Mayeda . . . my friend, my inspiration, and best of mom! May 96.
- Ben Fisher for submitting and publishing his story "The Great Guinea Pig Bath" in the "Cavy Chronicles" and his teacher, a fellow cavy enthusiast, Heidi Canner ( Apr 96.
- Ann Marbourg ( & Samantha ( for "Ask the Cavies" contributions. Mar 96.
- L. Remorca & M. Remorca for treating us to the Michael W. Smith concert which we thoroughly enjoyed experiencing and reviewing. Mar 96.
- Selena Simonetti ( for "Ask the Cavies" contributions. Mar 96.
- & for "Best of Roger Rabbit" movie references. Feb 96.
- for a reciprocal link to "The Cavy Chronicles" Jan 96.
- D. Ott for providing access to AOL and the opportunity to experiment with AOL provided member home pages / resources. Thanks, since early '95.
Individuals really are the driving force behind the internet community -- let us work to keep it that way.
 | San Diego's premier ISP! Give them a try, I'm sure they could sign up a few more users before their T3 lines start saturating.
 | The Pipeline 25 ISDN provides our "bandwidth on demand." Their service and support came through for us. Read about our ISDN experiences. |
 | This site supports the "Internet Rating Sytem."
 | Web pages developed on the Mac using HTML Web Weaver. Only draw back with this shareware is that it's not a fat binary.
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